This morning in our worship service at Bethel Springs church of Christ, a humble man named David Forsythe led one of the most beautiful and inspiring prayers that I've ever heard. I asked David for his special permission to share this magnificent prayer here on my blog. You will quickly see why I did. Get ready to be uplifted and inspired!
praise you for your marvelous Word, that tells us of your power and might that
created the heavens and the earth and all they contain, even the air we breath,
the water we drink, and the food we eat.
the beginning, you showed us your love for us by demonstrating your willingness
to show us your eternal wisdom. Wisdom that provides us with understanding that
is essential for life with purpose. We do not walk blindly as those
without hope. We walk with the full assurance that we know our Creator, we have
purpose, and we have a destiny.
proclaimed that you created light. Even before you put the sun in the heavens
you created light. We also acknowledge that you are light and there is no
darkness in you. Such thoughts are too wonderful for us to fully fathom.
have enlightened us to know your Son who proclaimed that he was the way, the
truth, and the life. He also proclaimed that he was the light of the world and
that those that follow him shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light
of life. Thank you for blessing us with this understanding.
created us in your image. You gave us a soul. We are so much more than the
animal kingdom. We have logical thought, and memory, and conscience. We can
ask, “Where did we come from?” We can ask, “Why are we here?” We can ask, “Is
this all there is to life?” For you created us to have the ability to think and
reason, and we perceive that you created even thought. You created us with the
insatiable desire to worship.
thought—that we are created in your image—is too wonderful for us to behold. But
we accept it as truth and joyfully proclaim to a lost world that desperately
needs to hear and obey the truth.
help us to respect your word and hold it up as that pure light that provides
ultimate truth, hope, and purpose in a world that increasingly denies your
Lordship. Help us never to quench the Spirit.
would not know even your name, or your timeless account of history if you had
not preserved your word, though many have tried and are trying to destroy it. Your
divine thread of purpose ties the Bible’s books together—they provide us with
an account of your creation, your eternal nature, your power, your holiness, your
long-suffering, your mercy, your grace, your truth, your forgiveness, your
steadfastness, your healing, your love, your protection, your faithfulness,
your redemption, your discipline, your promises, your judgment, your intervention
in our lives, your hearing of our prayers, and your provision of what we need
for physical life and spiritual life. You are awesome—your character is
matchless and incomparable. You are the living God.
there are many things we cannot comprehend. But you, in your providence, you
have created us to have an understanding that can provide wisdom even for our
generation. You had your Word written down by the patriarchs, judges, kings,
prophets, apostles, and others in a perfect way that the human mind can
interpret. Even the logic that we use to interpret your Scripture is provided
to us by you.
you for providing your Word so we can be at peace with you. Help us to study
like the Bereans. Help us to accept your Word as absolute eternal
truth. Confound the enemies of your Word with the truth. Help us to
skillfully be able to use your Word as the basis for teaching others. Help
us never to fight in the battle for the souls of men empty-handed.
us to skillfully fight the battle with the your Word, the sword of the Spirit. We
acknowledge that our reasoning without the foundation of your Word is powerless
to win in this epic battle of good and evil. For we have heard and believe that
your Word is sharper than a two-edged sword and able to discern the thoughts
and intents of the heart.
we know that your divine power has granted unto us all things that pertain unto
life and godliness, through the knowledge of Christ that called us by his own
divine glory and virtue. We acknowledge that we have no knowledge of Christ’s divinity
except through your Word.
help us to walk humbly in your sight that we my see your glory and share the
truth with those that walk blindly.
we have many requests. Please bring healing to the sick, and healing to the
spiritually sick so we can be at peace with you. Continue to forgive us of
our sins, as we walk humbly with Christ as our savior—forgiving each other as
we walk in the way. Please correct, admonish, and encourage us as we walk in
the light of your Word. Bless us as we repent and confess our sins and follow
Christ as our Lord.
in these troubling times, when Christians are persecuted for their faith, with
uncertainties surrounding us, please continue to keep watch over us and protect
your church from the schemes of the evil one.
in times when the people and even governments promote and legalize immorality,
when false religions promote physical conquest of territories, when murderous
atrocities are viewed by all peoples and there seemingly is no authority to
bring about justice, when democracies provide arms and support to murderous
regimes, when nations attack other nations, when freedom of faith is under
attack, when murder of the helpless is accepted as a reasonable choice, when
children are taught that immorality is an acceptable choice, when military
powers promote conquest over established borders, when our peoples are educated
that there is no God, and when freedoms that were once enjoyed are denied—please
encourage us to remain faithful when the uncertainty of our times seems
overwhelming. When we compare history to our present time we know assuredly
that you are our only hope.
us to raise our children to know you and the truth that saves our souls. Help
us to realize that our faith is under attack and your strength will help us
overcome. Help us to be steadfast, unmovable, and faithful to the end and
encouraged that souls are being saved every day, even in the midst of the
turmoil of our times.
the name of Christ our Savior,
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