I don't know
that there is one simple answer—or magic bullet—to achieving success as parents
in raising faithful, spiritually minded children. But, instead, I believe there
are several factors that may add up to create a greater positive impact in
their spiritual lives.
What follows are eight practical ideas and suggestions:
First, demonstrate personal commitment
to the Lord and His church that sets a strong example your children. In your own Bible study, prayer-life,
evangelistic work, and kingdom service, let your kids observe faith-in-action,
which will leave a lasting impression. Make sacrifices of time, energy, and
resources for the cause of Christ. This way, your children will see the
importance of denying self, taking up their own cross, and following Jesus.
Second, set clear family priorities
regarding church attendance for all services throughout the week. There should never be a question of
whether or not you as a family will be attending services. Many parents today
send mixed-signals to their children regarding the importance of faithful
church attendance by their own neglect to do so, and by putting other things
ahead of it. It’s up to you to set the right precedent!
Third, provide your children with
opportunities to get personally involved in serving within the life of the
church, whether it be VBS,
teaching, going on life-changing mission trips, leading in public worship
assemblies, participating in church building cleanup days, or other such activities.
In this way, church work is not just something they observe from the
"sidelines." Instead, they will be able to experience the joy,
satisfaction, and growth of personally participating in kingdom work.
Fourth, expose your children to
spiritual fellowship with other Christians through your hospitality and continual efforts to invite
members of the congregation, as well as ministers and missionaries, into your
home. In this way, your kids will benefit from being around other faithful
adult Christians and will be influenced by their example of love and dedication
to the Lord.
Fifth, hold regular family devotionals
and home Bible studies.
This will leave a lasting impression, because your children will experience the
blessing of intimate family worship and grow in their knowledge, faith, and
love for God. Later in life, some of their fondest memories will very likely be
of the times they spent singing, praying, and studying God's Word within your
Sixth, encourage your children on a
daily basis to stand up for their Christian beliefs and values at school, with
their friends, and elsewhere. Don’t inhibit them from being exposed to other religious groups
as well, but always give them the opportunity to ask Biblical questions
afterwards, so as to gain a deeper understanding of why your family believes
and practices what you do. It’s important that you never leave them with the
impression that you expect them to have a "blind faith," but rather
one that is well informed.
Seventh, build positive memories connected
to congregational life
through family participation in church picnics, retreats, summer camps, Bible lectureships,
mission workshops, youth rallies, and other activities that occur away from the
more formal setting of the church building. These unique opportunities will
allow them to experience a wide variety of religious-related experiences and
catch a broader vision for the body of Christ. It will also provide them with valuable
opportunities to meet other Christian families and young people.
Eighth, if at all possible, encourage
your children to attend a Christian college where their faith, knowledge, and exposure
to other Christians will be facilitated. Doing so will provide a safe and spiritually nurturing
environment in which they can foster life-long friendships with other believers
and sit at the feet of great teachers of the Bible, who challenge and inspire
them to grow.
While there
are no doubt many other helpful ideas to helping your children develop a strong
and vibrant faith, I believe these strategies will positively impact your
children’s faith in a powerful and lasting way.
22:6 says, “Train up a
child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (ESV)
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