Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Visit the Sick and Lonely

Hello everyone!

Today's vlog addresses the approach to compassion that may be called a ministry of presence. I particularly focus on the idea of visiting the sick and lonely, or anyone who is in need. Jesus's style of caring was very hands on and by nature, incarnational. For us to emulate him, we need to also be people who "show up" when people need encouragement and support.

In my vlog, I use James 1:27 and Matthew 25:31-40 as Scriptures to give us a more accurate understanding and proper bearings regarding the meaning of true religion--which is relational. The way Christ will someday judge us will hinge on the degree to which we extended ourselve to reach out with his love and compassion to those around us.

One way for us to do this is to visit the sick and lonely in their time of distress in order to bring hope and comfort to them, and thereby be Christ's loving hands.

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