Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Celebrate a Co-worker's Birthday

The last few weeks, we have been discussing the idea, “Ten Ways to Demonstrate His Heart, My Hands.” The first week, we presented the concept of performing random acts of kindness. Last week, the idea presented was to write a handwritten note of appreciation. What a difference that can make other's lives as well!

Here comes idea Number Three. The concept for this week is to celebrate a coworker’s birthday. Now, you may not even be working outside the home, but even through your connections through civic organizations you can reach out to and maybe surprise people by finding out what their favorite flavor birthday cake is and their birthdate. Those who don’t like cake may appreciate doughnuts or other types of dessert.

At the University where I work, my department has a long tradition of every year selecting a colleague in our department. When their birthday comes along, around lunchtime we spend a few moments together to honor them. They sure do appreciate it. You might know somebody who might be little introverted and normally not the life party. So this is a great chance to reach out to them to show Christ's love. You can decorate their office door or the reception desk and find out what their favorite birthday cake is. Then invite the folks on your hallway or in your department or, if you work at a small businesses, all those that work there. They are gather together maybe at about 11:15am just to celebrate. Who doesn't like birthday cake! Get real!

It can be a lot of fun and it can mean a lot to somebody who is perhaps a bit depressed. Not everybody likes to have birthdays and so this might be one way to brighten their day. This ties into Roman 12:9-10 and 15. “Let love be genuine . . . Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor . . . Rejoice with those who rejoice.”

A great way this week to show honor or over the next month is to show honor to somebody that is so coming up on another birthday. We tend to get so wrapped up in our little world that we fail to see the needs of those around us and make a difference in someone else's life. One way to do this is to celebrate important days with them. Find out when their birthdays are. Choose somebody to celebrate his or her birthday. Perhaps you can even throw a surprise party. Have some fun with it see what a difference you can make!

Note: There will be no episode next week as I will be on a trip with my wife. We're celebrating 25 years of marriage!

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