If you’re new to my Christian
podcast, welcome! Last week I began a brand new series entitled, “Ten ways to demonstrate His Heart, My
Hands.” The first idea I shared was to “Do a Random Act of Kindness” and,
wow, what a tremendous response I have been receiving via Facebook and Twitter.
It’s truly been inspiring!
Today, I would like to
present my 2nd idea, and it is this: “Write a hand-written note of
appreciation” to someone you need to thank.
We live in a day and age of
quick and easy communication, via text messaging and multiple forms of social
media. Sometimes, it can feel so impersonal. But I’ve got to tell you: Nothing
can replace the joy it brings someone to receive a hand-written note, card, or
letter, especially when it comes in the mail. Letter writing has seemingly
become a lost art. But it is so personal and meaningful.
In Galatians 6:11, the
apostle Paul writes, “See with what large
letters I am writing to you with my own hand.” This took tremendous effort
for him in light of his failing eyesight, but it meant so much to the letter
I have a sweet older lady in
my congregation, named Ramelle, who is in the routine habit of writing letters
to persons in the church and community. In fact, I’ve been the recipient of a
few of those. And believe me when I say that they have really made an impact on
me. It’s such a pleasure these days to go to the mailbox and find something
other than junk mail—an envelope that is personally addressed to you and
hand-written. Yeah – emails, Facebook messages, tweets, and texts are great and
convenient, but maybe sometimes they’re too convenient. The time, thought, and
effort required by a hand-written note or letter really means a lot to people.
Is there someone you need to thank in a special
way for the impact and influence they’ve hand in your life? I’m sure there is.
Sit down some time this week at the kitchen table, or somewhere comfortable,
get some paper (and it can even be the old loose-leaf lined school paper), and
write someone you love and appreciate a letter expressing just that. I promise
you -- it will make a big difference!
Check out my website: www.ryanfraser.org
Like me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/hisheartmyhands
Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/ryannoelfraser
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